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Classifieds Web Portal Development

Advertising is the key to capture your audience across various marketing channels. A classified website is one of the platforms for online advertising to promote products or services connecting both buyers and sellers in one single entity. Classified portal is customized and distinguished to allow the users to search for relevant categories and sub-categories.

Free Classified Ads and Paid Classified Ads are the available options that enable users to add or search listings. Paid or feature listings help to get instant results from the targeted audience when searching for your businesses.

Classified Portal Development Features

Classified portal is developed with unique features for the users to utilize without any difficulty in searching, navigating and adding the listing. It is a platform that helps every small, individual or startup businesses to advertise their products or services.


  • Admin registration
  • User registration
  • Categories and sub-categories to select and post ad
  • Free / Paid Image uploading option
  • Free / Paid Image uploading option
  • Top position for feature listings
  • Location based search ad display
  • Search engine friendly option

Classified Website Development Services

Classified websites have become one of the online advertising channels for many companies, startups, individual business professionals as well as home users. With numerous features and listings available for buyers and sellers, it is a dedicated platform to post ads and promote business, brand, services and products by choosing an appropriate list of main categories and sub-categories more relevance leads.

Moreover, with the options of free ads and paid ads (at a nominal fee) you can feature top of the listings that help your customers to find your listing easily.






TWT Machines

Jawaher Najd Holding Company
